ANDRA launches 40th year celebrations Written by ANDRA. Since 1973, ANDRA has been Australian for drag racing. An organisation of racers for racers, ANDRA continues to ensure safe and fair competition around the country and promotion of the sport. This year ANDRA celebrates its 40th anniversary and a range of activities are planned to recognise both the occasion and the many people who have been and continue to be instrumental to the growth of drag racing in Australia. Most importantly, ANDRA will begin its Drag Racing Hall of Fame and Life Membership program. ANDRA Drag Racing Hall of Fame has been established to acknowledge those persons who have made significant contributions to all aspects of drag racing, including those who have excelled in drag racing competition, business, history or engineering.
The award is in partnership with the ANDRA Constitution which provides that a person who has provided lengthy outstanding service to the sport of drag racing and/or the company or its predecessor association may be appointed by a general meeting as an honorary life member of the company. Nominations for the program are now open and available on the ANDRA website (here). Nominations close on the 30th of June, 2013. The first inductees to the Drag Racing Hall of Fame will be decided on at the ANDRA AGM and announced at the championship dinner in November. As part of the 40th anniversary, displays of drag racing memorabilia and photos from the last 40 years of Australian drag racing will be conducted at the Nitro Champs, Fuchs Winternationals and Australian Nationals. The intention of these displays is not just to show just what used to be, but what Australian drag racing has evolved into.
ANDRA is currently seeking any photos and video its members and supporters of the sport may have from across the 40 year history of the organisation. We are also seeking memorabilia items that members may be willing to loan for display, such as old ANDRA paraphernalia.
Buy Ambien Canada Anyone interested in displaying their older drag cars or bikes, particularly ones which have been retired and may not have seen the light of day for some time and have some historical significance in the sport, are also invited to contact ANDRA if they would be interested in taking part in the displays. Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will get in touch.
Can You Buy Ambien In Canada Other activities set to occur include some special video interviews with historical figures in the sport and a limited edition merchandise range. Racers will also soon start receiving special silver foil 40th anniversary ANDRA stickers with their renewed memberships and licences.