ANDRA appoints Business Development Manager Written by Kym Oberauer. Jennifer Harrison - ANDRA Business Development managerAs part of the strategic plan for development of drag racing in Australia, ANDRA has appointed Jennifer Harrison as the new Business Development Manager. Ms. Harrison has 14 years experience in the motorsports industry, primarily focusing on marketing, public relations and event management. Before taking on the role at ANDRA, Ms. Harrison served as the Events Operations Manager at Octane Events and Business Manager at Barbagallo Raceway.
Zolpidem Online Usa "I'm really excited to be involved with the most powerful motorsport on the planet," said Ms. Harrison. "While I've only been in the role for few weeks now I've been absorbing a lot and I'm looking forward to developing a range of new business opportunities for corporate partners and growing our fan base." One of the key pillars of the STARS model (Spectators, Tracks, ANDRA, Racers, Sponsors) developed by ANDRA is corporate engagement, an extremely important task that will be the responsibility of the business development manager. According to Ms. Harrison, "My role within ANDRA is to develop new business opportunities and provide corporate Australia with effective sponsorship and marketing programs that represent value for all our stakeholders.""I aim to show corporate Australia just how good drag racing is and how it can boost their business. Together we can build the sport by increasing attendance, providing more racing opportunities and increasing the sports main stream profile." If you'd like to contact Jennifer please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Buy Ambien Visa Zolpidem Uk Buy