Steve Reed - Are we having fun yet? Written by Kym Oberauer.
(Photo courtesy The 2012 Winternationals didn't quite start out as planned for Steve Reed and the Reed Racing Team. Truth be told, for a split second Steve thought it was the end of his drag racing career. How did it get to this? Let’s go back a few years to January 2009.
It was the Night Fire Champs at Willowbank Raceway and as Steve passed the 1000ft mark the engine let go in his Top Alcohol Funny Car. A massive fire ball erupted from under the body, obscuring Steve’s vision as he slid out of control into the braking area.
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2012 ANDRA Winternationals So here we are at 2012 ANDRA Winternationals. a runner-up at the Nationals and a semi final finish at the recent Nitro Champs at Sydney Dragway, Steve and the team were pretty confident that their new found luck was here to stay, even though they weren’t able to test their new combination when the Winter Warm Up was cancelled due to rain. Steve was strapped in for the first qualifier in his new(ish) Top Alcohol Funny Car; newish because it was the first outing for the rebuilt and refurnished car that crashed in 2009.
Ambien Dosage Purchase But the lack of testing was about to bring the team unstuck. Steve launched the funny car which went straight into tyre shake causing the steering wheel to come off in his hands. With no steering, Steve became a very concerned passenger as the car made solid contact with the right hand wall. recalls - “They put me in the ambulance and I nearly blew their blood pressure machine up. That’s it I thought. I was done and dusted for the weekend, maybe forever. If the damage had been bad that would have been me out of the sport, I'd had enough. “ Luckily the damage wasn't that bad with the body and right hand header taking the brunt of the impact. With the body straightened, a new set of headers bolted on and the liberal use of racer tape, Reed Racing was back in action. In the 2nd qualifier the funny car went straight down the middle of the groove to record a 5.65 at 254 mph.
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Clonazepam Overdose With rain delays (a phenomenon that has affected drag racing up and down the east coast), final eliminations were held on the Tuesday.
To cut a long day short, a red light by John Cunnuli saw Steve move into the semi finals against Steve Ham. An issue for Ham in the semi and Reed Racing was in the final. And when Jamie Noonan couldn't front for the final, Steve took the solo for the win and the Winternationals Gold Christmas Tree.
While not the way Steve would have liked to win the event, “we had some luck as the weekend progressed and we managed to get a win. We haven't had the luck often go our way and to have some was damn good for a change.”
What really matters Sure the final was run in front of about 15 people and a stray dog. Sure the team packed up with little celebration (apart from a couple of Coronas of course). Everyone had to work the next day.
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Clonazepam For Insomnia And this is something the Reed drag racing clan have in abundance, with both children (Daniel and Sally) and their partners (Fiona Reed and Matt Watts) actively involved in their own racing teams.
Buy Zolpidem In India “Being part of the family makes it worthwhile, all our friends are involved, both our immediate family and our extended family. We've been doing this for a long time, since dad raced in 1965. Now are the good old days, conditions are better, things are not as bad as people make out. We all seem to look back with rose coloured glasses.” The good news is that the Reed drag racing clan is also continuing to grow with Steve’s granddaughter Leila sure to get a Junior Dragster for her 8th birthday (ED: too bad if she wants a pony hey Steve).
The future for Reed Racing Looking back at the season that was, Steve points out that “if I’d gone to Perth and Adelaide, qualified last and been beaten in 1st round I would have won the national championship.” So while the team is still having fun and remains competitive, you’ll be able to catch Reed Racing in action at the major ANDRA Top Alcohol Championship rounds at Willowbank Raceway and Sydney Dragway, none of which would be possible without the support Steve’s family and dedicated crew. Hopefully, if Steve and the team can secure some corporate sponsorship they will look to attend all the rounds of the championship, including the Perth Motorplex, Adelaide International Raceway and the Hidden Valley Drag Strip in Darwin.