Top Fuel And Top Fuel Motorcycle Competitors Line Up For New Series
- Top Fuel Australia and Top Fuel Motorcycle back new direction for Pro Australian drag racing
- Events promoted by not-for-profit entity with track and competitor shareholders
- Tracks will continue to run with ANDRA sanctioning
The recently announced Australian Professional Drag Racing series will charge ahead with nitro power, Top Fuel and Top Fuel Motorcycle competitors throwing their support behind the concept. Klonopin Online The newly formed series will be promoted by a not-for-profit entity and run at the country's premier venues in four of Australia's five biggest capital cities - Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.
Can You Order Klonopin Online A Racing Commission will also be formed with equal, 50-50 per cent representation of tracks and professional competitors to handle technical and sporting regulations.
Clonazepam Generic Buy Top Fuel Australia (TFA) General Manager Bruce Read said top line category welcomes the proposal and backs the vision in principal. "Top Fuel Australia is optimistic the vision proposed by Australia's major tracks will revitalise the sport," Read said.
Clonazepam For Anxiety "The venues are the ones at which drag racing's premier category, Top Fuel races, so we are pleased to see them taking on the interests of competitors and setting a new direction for the re-commercialisation of the sport.
"TFA believes the new series is a step in the right direction. We welcome the proposal in principal, and look forward to discussing the finer details with its organisers." Top Fuel Motorcycle has also backed the series; three-time National Champion Chris Matheson agreeing it is a win for both competitors and fans.
Buy Zolpidem ErBuy Ambien Online Usa "We are excited to about the new series, and look forward to taking part," Matheson said. "Top Fuel Motorcycle hails the reduction in competitor costs, the proposed prize money structure, commercial direction and formation of a commission. We look forward to taking part." spokesperson, and Willowbank Raceway President Tony Wedlock said the support of Australia's two nitro-fuelled categories is validation for the new series. "We're thrilled to have Top Fuel Australia and Top Fuel Motorcycle so passionate about the new series," Wedlock said.
Order Clonazepam OnlineOrder Clonazepam 1Mg "Our vision was to bring Australian drag racing back to the limelight, and it's exciting to have such strong support from competitors on the back of last week's announcements."
Buy Zolpidem Overnight Wedlock also reiterated the newly formed entity, responsible for promoting the series, will continue to re-invest in the sport.
Buy Zolpidem Online UsaZolpidem Prescription Online "Together the major tracks and professional competitors have formed a not-for-profit organisation, each holding a seat on the board," Wedlock said."While the tracks hold a 75% share of the not-for-profit company, it is important to understand that the bulk of tracks participating in the series have boards that include active Sportsman and Professional racers.
Buy Ambien Online Usa"We will continue to re-invest profits back into the sport in areas such as increased prize money, marketing and new broadcast technology.
Buy Clonazepam 1Mg Tablets "Further to that, the newly created Racing Commission, with 50% competitor and 50% track representation, will oversee sporting rules, technical regulations and calendar details." new series will have ANDRA sanctioning, and remains inline with each category's technical regulations.
Further details about the series will continue to be released over the coming weeks.
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