Fowler Family Racing – the secret of our success Written by Kym Oberauer.
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Buy Ambien Visa Super Sedan racer Paul Partridge has a lot to answer for. Not because he drives a lime green Ford Mustang, but because Pardo is responsible for re-introducing Greg Fowler to drag racing. Since getting back into the sport in 2001, Greg Fowler and the team at Fowler Family Racing have gone on to dominate the Super Sedan bracket in Australia, taking home more Gold Christmas Trees and trophies than can comfortably fit in the cabinet.
Ambien Online Shopping The team's success comes down to a number of factors, but most importantly it's commitment to the sport and taking every opportunity to go racing. So much so, explains Anne Fowler, the matriarch of Fowler Family Racing, "our daughter has to schedule all the kid's parties and birthdays around the drag racing calendar. " Now that's dedication to drag racing. by the drag racing bug... again Greg Fowler used to race at Castlereagh Dragway back in the day. But the inevitable happened, family and business commitments put that on hold until one fateful day in 2001, when Greg and Anne were invited to a drag race by one of their employees Paul Partridge. Ambien Online "We went down to Calder Park Raceway for the first time with Pardo in 2001 and Greg got bitten by the drag racing bug again," said Anne. "So he promptly said, 'I really want to do this' and we bought a lovely little half chassis green Capri. We were really happy racing at that level - it was an 11 second car at that stage."
Cheap ZolpidemFast Shipping Clonazepam 1Mg At about this time, Greg and Anne's son Steve "needed some direction, being a teenager with a new license. So we said 'look you can have a go in the car but you have to keep your license'. In other words, 'slow down on the street' and we nipped his careless ways in the bud. As they say, 'drag racing thrills, street racing kills.'"
Buy Klonopin Discreet Shipping Once Steve was in the driver's seat of the green Capri they couldn't pry him out. The decision was then made to buy another car for Greg in 2003. This time it was a yellow Capri that ran 10's in Super Sedan. With both of the boys now racing, Steve's wife Jasmine saw how much fun they were having and wanted to have a go, "so we put her in the little green Capri and then we couldn't get her out!", exclaimed Anne. With 3 bums and only two cars, Steve stepped up to drive the yellow Capri and the team needed a new car for Greg. So in 2004, the Fowlers added a new member to team in the form of a Chevy Beretta, affectionately named "Tom Cat'.
Anne explains. "Tom Cat came from Virginia in the U.S. Greg went over with Pardo - he's to blame for all of this, my missed holidays and first class tours - they went over to buy Paul's mustang 'Shrek'. And while they were there they saw Tom Cat. After a few drinks at Hooters, quite a few by the sound of him, he rang me and said, with a drunken slur,' darlingzzz we just bought a carrrrrrr'. 'You better not have' I said. 'Yep, yep - we just bought a carrrrrr.'" And as we're all pretty much aware, Greg and Steve have gone on to win many bracket, division and national championships in Tom Cat. If it's not the most winningest (is that a word?) car in Australia it's certainly up there amongst the most successful. *Photos courtesy
The 'secret' of our success
Like most successful people or teams or organisations, I'm sorry to disappoint you but there is no secret. It's all about commitment, hard work and single-mindedness. Fowler Family Racing has had a great deal of success over the years but it hasn't happened overnight. "We started with an 11 second car, and then went to 10 seconds. From there we went 9 seconds, 8 seconds, 7 seconds and now the GXP is running in the 6 second zone. When we began racing we thought we should call ourselves RODO racing, Round One Drop Outs," explains Anne.
"We've done the hard yards along the way and entered every possible event. You've got to step up through the ranks and build experience, get a feel for the track and what it and you can do." Obviously experience plays a big part in the winning formula but the vehicle has a lot to do with it as well. "Tom Cat is just such a consistent car. It picks a number and stays true to that number all day and all night. If it's going to turn the tyres at 1000ft it's going to do it each and every run," said Anne. "A key to our consistency is Bill from BK Race Engines at Bankstown; his engines are just so predictable. Also, a big thanks to Wendy and Graeme Cowin for providing us with the Aeroflow Performance Products that keep our cars safe and running at their peak."
Generic Ambien Buy So along with Greg and Steve's experience and a consistent car, there's another piece to the puzzle which sees the team going rounds consistently, and that's data. "The data is everything to us and the information from the weather station. I don't think any drag racers in NSW haven't seen me stalking the staging lanes with the weather station in one hand and the race book in the other. The race book is our bible. Keeping lots of records and local knowledge is vital", explains Anne. For new racers the team's advice is to start at the street level and get a good feel for racing. Step up through the ranks as you feel comfortable and take your time. "Look at the precocious [Ed: Anne actually said smart asses] Junior Dragster racers, they're killing it because of their experience and track time when they step up", laughed Anne. But there's one more piece to the puzzle. And that's the drag racing family.
"We have a ball when we go racing", said Anne. "We have the best crew. Jason Regent, Dale Hartill-Law, Jasmine, Vicky, myself and the boys all get along so well. Our Grandson AJ attended his first meeting at Willowbank when he was 6 months old and has not missed a National since (he's now 8). Naturally Steve's 2 boys are his biggest fans. Jasmine was no slouch either racing the S10. She won a bracket meeting until motherhood took precedence! Family and fun is part of our success. If it wasn't, something would give on the home front - probably someone's race car."
"When we travel we like to turn it into a holiday and there are always plenty of activities away from the race track. There are a few seconds of seriousness on the start line but after that it's done and dusted and its back to having fun again."
A new baby arrives
Clonazepam 2Mg For Sale One of the aims of any drag racer is to go faster and faster, and Greg Fowler is no different. He wanted to go fast enough to be the first drag racer to win Super Sedan in a 6 second car. So through the team's good friends in the US, they were able to track down the GXP you see Greg racing today.
When the GXP arrived in Australia, Anne suggested, "If Greg could have married it he would have divorced me. He fell in love with it. I must admit it's the prettiest thing on the race track - but I'm biased."
Online Doctor Prescription Ambien One of the teams proudest moments to-date is wining a bracket meeting in the GXP and holding the ET and speed record for a naturally aspirated Super Sedan nationally and at multiple tracks. The next goal is to realise Greg's dream of winning Super Sedan at the Nationals in a 6 second car.

The future for Fowler Family Racing
Buying Zolpidem Uk Looking back at the team's history, there are a few moments that stand out in Anne's mind. "The first Winternationals and Australian championship Steve won in Super Sedan in 2005, and in 2008 when Greg and Steve were 1 and 2 in the ANDRA National Championship and 1 and 2 in the NSW Divisional Championship. These rank as some of the teams proudest moments." With all the success the team has had, the desire to keep competing is as strong as ever. "It's extremely hard and extremely costly at times. Steve and Greg start at 1.30am each day, i.e. they work hard to race . But we do what we do because we love drag racing so much," said Anne. "We make weekly sacrifices so we can go racing. Every cent we've got is accounted for and I make sure we have our entry fees covered."
Clonazepam For Depression "And we wouldn't be where we are today without the assistance of Fowler Family Transport and Aeroflow Performance Products – a massive shout out and thank you to them for their continued support and encouragement." So for the time being the team will continue to enjoy racing in Super Sedan; Greg in the GXP and Steve in Tom Cat. There are also plans afoot to help Jasmine get a ride so she can compete with the boys. Look out for the team at the upcoming Nationals at Sydney Dragway, and see if Greg or Steve can take home a Gold Christmas Tree with the 6 second GXP or Tomcat in Super Sedan.