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Positive steps for drag racing’s return to Calder Park Raceway

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https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/24zqoldto3q ANDRA 40 Years Logo smlSince the well publicised changes at CPR in late 2012, ANDRA and the new management have been working closely together on an agreement to return Championship Drag Racing to Calder Park Raceway.


During this time ANDRA has conducted an audit of the facility and a majority of the documented improvements have been implemented, including repairs to the timing system.


An outstanding safety issue was the lack of barriers on the right hand side of the track past the finish line. According to ANDRA CEO Malcolm Bulley, "the required 400 plus meters of barriers have been organised and will be in place before any drag racing re-commences at Calder Park Raceway."

Buy Cheap Generic Ambien Once approved by both ANDRA and the new management we could see Championship Drag Racing return to Calder Park raceway as early as September, with lead up events to prepare for the Top Fuel, Top Bike and Pro Stock Bike Championship rounds slated for Calder Park Raceway on 19th and 20th of October 2013.


https://calif-ilc.org/8rtse8s Expectations are for a major announcement in the coming weeks.

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