Grab a Perth Motorplex season pass and save! Written by Perth Motorplex. Posted in News
Clonazepam 0.5Mg Buy Online As the cool, dreary winter months wind down, NOW is the right time to purchase your season membership and enjoy pole position for a huge summer of Motorsport Entertainment at Perth Motorplex. A Perth Motorplex season pass includes entry to all major events at 20% you get access to all other events for FREE.
A Drag Racing Gold (reserved seating/pit access) or Silver (admission with pit paddock access) season pass gets you FREE parking a complimentary program and access to all major events days at a 20% discount. Plus you get into ALL Formula Tech Whoop Ass Wednesdays, ALL Autotrader Fast Racing Series events, both Nostalgia Drags AND the Kwinana Performance Holden v Ford for FREE! Download Drag Racing season pass brochure and booking form.