Sunday’s GM mania signals ‘new approach’ for Willowbank Raceway
Written by Willowbank Raceway. Posted in News This Sunday's brand new GM Mania event at Willowbank Raceway (15 September 2013) signals the beginning of a new approach by the facility's management.
Willowbank Raceway President Tony Wedlock said the event – which celebrates all things General Motors through drag racing, judged show and shine events, dyno competitions, club and manufacturer displays and more – is part of the Management Committee's commitment to delivering "something different" for motoring enthusiasts."This Sunday's GM Mania event is certainly shaping up to be a great day out for all the family," said Wedlock. "I am pleased to report that GM Mania is not 'just' a new event for Willowbank Raceway.
"In actual fact, it signals the beginning of a new approach by the Raceway and its Board to offer something different from Queensland's premier drag racing facility to a wider group of motoring enthusiasts.
Ambien To Buy From Uk "Combining an on-track element with a wide range of off-track activities, the brand new GM Mania is just a sign of things to come next year as the Management Committee continues its work of the past few months to inject some exciting new ideas into our soon to be released 2014 event calendar."
Clonazepam Withdrawal HelpGM Mania celebrates all things GM – with drag racing, a show and shine, dyno competition, club displays and manufacturer displays celebrating all makes and models of GM vehicles.
Order Ambien Online Display vehicle entry is just $5.00 per vehicle, while adult spectator entry is also just $5.00. Children aged 13 and under gain free entry. Gates open at 7.00am, with on-track action from 10.30am to 12.00noon and 1.00pm to 2.30pm, judging from 11.00am with the presentation at 2.30pm. Entry into show n shine judged categories (GMH pre-1981, GMH 1981 and newer, Chevrolet, Buick/Olds/Pontiac, Torana, Cadillac, HSV, HDT and People's Choice) is an additional $5.00 (paid at the judging area) and entry to the drag racing events is an extra $25.00 per vehicle paid at scrutineering (drag racing is open to show n shine or display entries only). All display, judging and drag racing vehicles must be GM bodied - visit for all the latest information. interested in participating in GM Mania are encouraged to contact Willowbank Raceway's Tracey Fletcher on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register your expression of interest so Willowbank Raceway can reserve the right amount of space for your display – remember, the club with the most outstanding display will be awarded a trophy on the day. Please note, pre-payment is not required however all club members must pay the appropriate fees on the day. Manufacturers or other entities interested in taking part can also contact Tracey Fletcher for more information. Willowbank Raceway is Queensland's premier drag racing facility, located 45 minutes from Brisbane or just a short drive from Ipswich, offering a year-round program of events for the entire family. For more information including a full event calendar, please visit