Australian Nationals to be live streamed Written by ANDRA. Posted in News The Australian Nationals at Sydney Dragway will be a spectacle not just at the track but also online with the event to be streamed from 12pm Saturday through to finals on Sunday. As well as the cameras of the AVE-produced SBS Speedweek team linked in, the feed will also feature the 'big screen' interviews often only seen live at the event, with roaming cameras set up to add an extra element to the production. ANDRA CEO Malcolm Bulley said both ANDRA and Sydney Dragway were excited about the potential of live streaming. "It's often said that drag racing is the best kept secret in motorsports - we need to change that and one way is to get as many people to see our events as possible," he said. "There's nothing like being at an event to feel the way a Top Fuel car launches or experience the atmosphere of the crowd, but for those interstate and internationally who want to keep up with what is going on live streaming is the way to go."
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Zolpidem 10Mg Online Uk "Sydney has been our test bed this year to see how viable it is to stream events with the Nitro Champs taking a raw feed from the AVE Speedweek cameras," Bulley said. "The production values Sydney Dragway is putting into the stream are really going to add to the show. "The biggest challenge we face for next year is the remoteness of some tracks which sometimes makes internet speeds unreliable so that is a technical issue we will have to work around." The stream will be available on the ANDRA website.
Please note that the stream will not be able to be viewed in New South Wales. As a result of telecommunications infrastructure that is beyond ANDRA's control, some border towns may also be unable to view the stream.
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