Nitro Sheriff standing tall
Written by Outlaw Nitro Funny Car. Posted in News
Buying Ambien The Aeroflow Outlaw Nitro Funny Cars has a new star and it's not another new driver - it's a new car. Named the Nitro Sheriff, the wheelstanding funny car will be entertaining the crowd at the Sydney Dragway's US versus Australia event on November 23. A fully custom built wheelstanding machine, the Nitro Sheriff takes the funny car form of the series' main show vehicles but adds a spectacular 'front wheels in the air' style as the car runs the entire 400m track with the car pointing towards the sky. So with two wheels on the ground and two wheels in the air, you might think that you would have to be certifiably crazy to drive such a thing? You might just be right. Queensland's Greg Leahy will be driving the new car in Sydney at the Aeroflow Outlaw Nitro Funny Car Extravaganza. "Driving the Aeroflow Nitro Sheriff is a pretty cool deal."Trying to race a car down the entire track on the back wheels at up to 160kph is pretty amazing. Doing it with supercharged and flame-breathing Hemi engine out the back and with only limited visibility really is quite a show!""When we first discussed this series, Graeme Cowin explained it's all about entertainment, well, I can't think about much more entraining than this beast.
"When the Nitro Sheriff's in town, all hells going to break loose, I think it's going to be a crowd favourite with the kids, that's for sure," said Leahy with a smile. With the biggest field of nitro cars ever assembled in Australia, Australian Pro Street Association finals, monster truck rides and wheelstanding cars, the event promises to be one of the most entertaining and innovative motorsport shows staged in Australia. The inaugural Aeroflow Outlaw Nitro Funny Car Extravaganza will be held at Sydney Dragway November 23, 2013.